Thank you for visiting the ASHI Store. 

     My name is Dee Goldstein and I have been involved with the Home Inspection profession for over 30 years during which time I have had the privilege of watching this profession evolve.  Throughout my career I have created the marketing to turn a small multi-inspector company into a 12 inspector, million dollar company, started a home inspection business with my husband, and created the marketing system for a Home Inspection franchise system with over 30 offices in the United States and Canada.   In 1997, my husband and I started a home inspection school in New Jersey and have trained over 1000 students.  At the same time, I started GEMmarketing which specializes in assisting home inspection companies and not-for-profits with developing systems to market their business.  My goal is to help you get comfortable with your marketing and create a professional image that you will be proud to use to promote your company.  

    Please drop me an email or call me so we can discuss any idea you may have. I enjoy crazy ideas. Chances are I probably already have a quality supplier for it.  If not I will do my best to find one. Thanks for your time and I look forward to help you develop your system.
